
News - Archive

Fungal trunk diseases are some of the most destructive diseases of grapevine in all grape growing areas of the world. Management of Grapevine Trunk Diseases (GTDs) has been intensively studied for decades with some great advances made in our understanding of the causal...
Researchers from the ICVV have carried out the first transcriptomic analysis focused on the discovery of the genetic and molecular mechanisms responsible for the differences in cluster compactness. A large part of the genes differentially expressed in flowers at the beginning...
Researchers of the ICVV have reviewed the current knowledge available on bunch compactness, an exclusive grapevine trait of great interest. Compact clusters are more susceptible to various pests and diseases such as grapevine moth and Botrytis, and their berries mature more...
The study aimed to assess comparatively the accuracy and efficiency of three culture media protocols for estimating black-foot disease pathogens populations in soils and to examine how shifts in the abundance and composition of black-foot pathogens correspond to changes in...
El Instituto de Ciencias de la Vid y del Vino (ICVV) organiza para el próximo jueves, 27 de julio, un taller sobre Gestión de Enfermedades de la Madera y Flavescencia Dorada en La Rioja que está dirigido, especialmente, a viticultores y personal técnico de bodegas. El...
Ya puedes inscribirte en el taller que la Fundación Empresa-Universidad Gallega (FEUGA), en colaboración con la Plataforma Tecnológica del Vino (PTV) y el Instituto de Ciencias de la Vid y el Vino (ICVV), organiza el próximo 27 de julio en La Grajera (Logroño). El taller,...
Las Doctoras Beatriz López Manzanares y Eva Pilar Pérez Álvarez, miembros del grupo de investigación del ICVV que obtuvieron el título de Doctor por la Universidad de La Rioja (UR) en el curso 2015-2016, asistieron al acto de investidura de nuevos doctores organizado el...
El Grupo Rioja coordina un grupo operativo que se propone desarrollar un proyecto de I+D que permita controlar la enfermedad del oídio o "ceniza", que afecta a las plantas de la viña y que, en condiciones climáticas favorables, puede producir daños "considerables" en las...
Se ha abierto el Plazo de Inscripción para la Escuela de Verano REDVITIS, que se desarrollará en el Instituto de las Ciencias de la Vid y el Vino (ICVV, Logroño) entre los días 10 y 12 de Julio. El público destinatario de esta actividad organizada por RedVitis, en...
La decisión de jurado ha sido unánime por su trabajo ‘Evaluación de medidas de nitrógeno en planta, para su uso como sistema de recomendación de abonado en el cultivo de la coliflor’. El Doctor Ingeniero Agrónomo por la Universidad de La Rioja, e Investigador del Instituto...
The lactic acid bacteria communities from must and through alcoholic and malolactic fermentations of Tempranillo red wines were studied in ten wineries from the Designation of Origin Rioja during three consecutive vintages. Results showed that the lactic acid bacteria...
The main aim of this study was to describe the impact of foliar phenylalanine and urea application on grape and must microbial populations. Thus, 75 microbial species of yeasts and of lactic acid, acetic acid and environmental bacteria, were found in the study. The microbial...
Two hundred young wines from D.O.Ca. Rioja (Spain) coming from two consecutive vintages, 100 wines from 2012 and 100 wines from 2013, were analysed and compared with respect to physicochemical composition and Brettanomyces presence. This microorganism was tested using two...
It has been determined the intraspecific genetic diversity within five non-Saccharomyces yeast species as well as the diversity in phenotypic characteristic related to their technological properties. Seventy-one non-Saccharomyces yeasts isolated from different fermentations...
