
VII Conference Cátedra AgroBank

On November 10, 2022, the VII Conference of the “Cátedra AgroBank” was held at the ICVV with a great success of attendance.

The conference addressed the economic and social sustainability of the wine sector from different perspectives, addressing the importance of this sector in the Spanish economy and its role as the backbone of the territory. The four dissertations reinforced the importance of to increase the added-value, both from grape production and from wine marketing, with special emphasis on the need to open markets and position Spanish wines in a value-added segment.

Other topic of interest that was addressed during the conference focused on the limitations and the risk to include the wine in the context of alcoholic beverages in general, without considering the singular composition of wine that includes the polyphenol compounds with demonstrated health effects. This singularity of the wine in relation to other alcoholic beverages, reinforces the need of research studies that support the role of wine as a basic component of the lifestyle and diet of Mediterranean countries, always within the framework of moderate consumption.

The last intervention was focused on the sensory quality of wine and the presentation of the elBulliFoundation's “Sapiens del vino” project. The conference ended with a discussion panel with the participation of the four speakers participated and moderated by the journalist Marta Rodríguez from Rioja Televisión.

The access to videos of the conference are the link: