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One of the main trends in oenological biotechnology in the last decade has been the incorporation of a growing number of non-Saccharomyces strains (alternative species to Saccharomyces cerevisiae) into oenological yeast catalogs. These yeasts provide several advantages,...
The Project VITISEC-MOMA is leaded by Villanueva nursery (Larraga, Spain) and has the participation of the BIOVITIS group at the “Instituto de Ciencias de la Vid y del Vino (ICVV)” in Logroño, Spain. The objective of this industrial research and experimental development...
A class of small non-coding endogenous RNAs known as microRNAs (miRNAs) plays a major role in post-transcriptional gene regulation during plant development and plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. It has been suggested that the miRNA pathway contributes to pathogen...
Black-foot disease is one of the main fungal trunk diseases affecting planting material and young vines worldwide. Recently, several fungal trunk pathogens have been isolated from asymptomatic mature vines. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to (i) conduct extensive...
The microbiota colonizing the rhizosphere and the endorhizosphere contribute to plant growth, productivity, carbon sequestration, and phytoremediation. We characterize the rhizosphere bacterial and fungal microbiota across five grapevine rootstock genotypes cultivated in the...
Spontaneous fermentation is the most traditional way and a low-intervention method for conducting alcoholic fermentation in wineries, giving rise to the most complex wine profiles. However, inoculation with single culture inocula of Saccharomyces cerevisiae...
Black-foot disease is one of the main soilborne fungal diseases affecting grapevine production worldwide. Two field experiments were established to evaluate the effect of white mustard cover crop residue amendment and chemical fumigation with propamocarb + fosetyl-Al combined...
Hot-water treatment (HWT) is an efficient, environmentally safe and commercially viable method of suppressing a wide range of pests and pathogens in planting material of grapevine and other crops. The ecology of total fungal communities in grapevine is so far largely derived...
Esca and leaf stripe diseases are two of the most destructive grapevine trunk diseases which are caused by a complex of fungal species, being the Ascomycete Phaeomoniella chlamydospora the most frequently isolated species from affected vines. To date, no curative measures are...
Grapevine powdery mildew is a disease caused by the fungus Erysiphe necator that entails such seriousness that if the environmental conditions are favourable and the handling is not adequate, it can cause the total loss of the harvest. In La Rioja AOc this disease is...
The ICVV and the ISVV (Institut des Sciencies de la Vigne et du Vin) of Bordeaux hold a first bilateral meeting in La Grajera. The meeting has the presence of twelve researchers from the French institute and has been organized in two viticulture and oenology sessions, on May...
Species of Diaporthe (former name Phomopsis) are considered important plant pathogens, saprobes, and endophytes on a wide range of plant hosts. Several species are well-known on grapevines, either as agents of pre- or post-harvest infections, including Phomopsis...
The ICVV celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. 60% of the ICVV's scientific staff are women.
Researchers of the ICVV have developed an image analysis tool that allows to evaluate the viability of grape pollen in a fast and simple way. Fresh pollen is stained using a standard stain and RGB images are taken. A macro developed for FIJI (Image J) allows to count the...
